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Quebec Facts and Figures

"Quebec" is from the Algonkian word kebec, which means "where the river narrows," referring to the site where Quebec City now stands.

Bordered By Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Ontario

map of Quebec

Area 594,860 sq mi
Greatest Distance East-West 965 mi
Greatest Distance North-South 1,222 mi
Highest Point Mont d'Iberville; 5,210 ft above sea level
Lowest Point sea level

Population (2011 census) 7,903,001
Largest Cities Montreal, Quebec City, Chicoutimi-Jonquiere, Sherbrooke, Hull, Trois-Rivieres

Capital Quebec City

Principal Industries agriculture, manufacturing, energy, mining, forestry, transportation
Manufacturing Products pulp and paper products, aircraft, commuter trains, computer and electronic products, pharmaceuticals
Agricultural Products hay, corn, oats, fruits, vegetables; hogs, cattle, poultry; maple syrup; dairy products
Mineral Resources gold, copper, iron ore, silver, zinc, nickel, asbestos

First Explored By Jacques Cartier in 1534
First Permanent European Settlement Quebec City, by
Samuel de Champlain in 1608
Date Entered Confederation
July 1, 1867 (one of the four original provinces)

Flag The four fleur-de-lis represent the coat of arms of the French kings. The white cross stands for the white cross planted on Quebec soil by Jacques Cartier, who reached the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1534. The flag was adopted in 1948.
flag of Quebec
fleur-de-lys (Madonna lily)
Bird snowy owl
Tree sugar maple
Motto Je me souviens (I remember)

New Hampshire
New York
Samuel de Champlain

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SKC Films Library >> American History >> Canada >> Quebec

This page was last updated on 04/25/2017.