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Civil War Campaigns and Battles.
Major Battles of the Civil War

Casualty figures are estimated totals of dead and wounded.

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Battle State Date(s) Commanders Casualties Results
North South North South
Antietam (Sharpsburg) Md Sept. 17, 1862 McClellan Lee 12,500 10,750 Confederate retreat gave Lincoln the occasion to announce the Emancipation Proclamation.
Brandy Station Va June 9, 1863 Pleasanton Stuart 866 523 Largest cavalry engagement of the war. Confederates held the field.
Bull Run (Manassas), First Va July 21, 1861 McDowell Beauregard 1,500 2,000 The North first realized the seriousness of the war ahead.
Bull Run (Manassas), Second Va Aug. 29-30, 1862 Pope Lee 10,000 9,000 The South regained almost all of Virginia
Chancellorsville Va May 1-4, 1863 Hooker Lee 11,000 10,000 Outnumbered Confederate forces defeated the Union, but Stonewall Jackson was killed.
Chattanooga Tenn Nov. 23-25, 1863 Grant Bragg 5,500 2,500 Union victory brough most of Tennessee into Northern hands.
Chickamauga Ga Sept. 19-20, 1863 Rosecrans Bragg 11,500 17,000 Southern victory trapped Rosecrans in Chattanooga.
Cold Harbor Va June 3, 1864 Grant Lee 6,500 1,500 Heavy losses forced Grant to change his tactics.
Fair Oaks (Seven Pines) Va May 31-June 1, 1862 McClellan Johnston 4,500 5,500 Confederate forces were driven back toward Richmond.
Fort Donelson Tenn Feb. 16, 1862 Grant Buckner 2,500 2,000 The North won its first important victory.
Fort Henry Tenn Feb. 6, 1862 Grant Tilghman 34 16 Initial success encouraged Grant's western campaign.
Franklin Tenn Nov. 30, 1864 Schofield Hood 1,00 5,500 Hood's Tennessee campaign failed to draw Sherman from Georgia.
Fredericksburg Va Dec. 13, 1862 Burnside Lee 12,000 5,500 A terrible defeat left the North dispirited.
Gettysburg Pa July 1-3, 1863 Meade Lee 17,500 22,500 Northern victory marked a turning point in the war.
Kennesaw Mountain Ga June 27, 1864 Sherman Johnston 2,000 270 In spite of Confederate success, Davis replaced Johnston with Hood.
Mobile Bay Ala Aug. 5, 1864 Farragut Buchanan 315 32 The North blockaded Mobile.
Murfreesboro (Stones River) Tenn Dec. 31, 1862-Jan. 2, 1863 Rosecrans Bragg 9,000 9,000 Southern forces failed to follow up on initial victory.
Nashville Tenn Dec. 15-16, 1864 Thomas Hood 3,000 3,000 Northern victory practically ended Southern resistance in the West.
Perryville Ky Oct. 8, 1862 Buell Bragg 3,500 3,000 Confederate troops abandoned Kentucky.
Petersburg, Siege of Va June 20, 1864-Apr. 2, 1865 Grant Lee 17,000 13,000 Months of trench warfare pinned Lee to a static defensive and depleted his forces.
Seven Days Va June 25-July 1, 1862 McClellan Lee 16,000 20,000 Richmond was saved from capture, and Northern forces retreated.
Shiloh (Pittsburg Landing) Tenn Apr. 6-7, 1862 Grant Johnston, Beauregard 13,000 10,500 A surprise attack spoiled Grant's plans for quick victory in the West.
Spotsylvania Court House Va May 8-12, 1864 Grant Lee 10,000 9,000 Southern resistance stiffened Grant's determination to win.
Vicksburg, Siege of Miss May 19-July 4, 1863 Grant Pemberton 9,000 10,000 Northern victory proved decisive in winning the Mississippi and the West.
The Wilderness Va May 5-6, 1864 Grant Lee 17,000 11,000 Heavy losses failed to halt Grant's progress southward.

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This page was last updated on 10/24/2012.