Facts and Figures
One traditional story says that Alabama
comes from the Creek language and means "tribal
town." Other sources claim it is derived from the
Choctaw language and means "thicket-clearers"
or "vegetation-gatherers."
Location East South
Bordered By Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida
Total Area (Rank)
52,423 sq mi (30th)
Land Area 50,750 sq mi
Greatest Distance E-W 207 mi
Greatest Distance N-S 331 mi
Geographic Center 12 miles southwest of Clanton
Coastline 53 mi
Highest Point (Rank) Cheaha Mountain; 2,407 ft
Lowest Point Gulf of Mexico; sea level
Mineral Resources coal, petroleum, stone,
natural gas
Population (Rank)
4,858,979 (23rd)
Largest Cities Birmingham (212,237), Montgomery
(205,764), Mobile (195,111), Huntsville (180,105),
Tuscaloosa (90,468), Hoover (81,619), Dothan (65,496),
Decatur (55,683), Auburn (53,380), Madison (42,938)
Capital Birmingham
State Constitution Adopted
Legislature Congress (35-member Senate;
105-member House of Representatives)
U.S. Congressional Representation 2 Senators, 7
Local Administration 67 counties
Major Industries pulp
and paper, chemicals, electronics, apparel, textiles,
primary metals, lumber and wood products, food
processing, fabricated metals, automotive tires, oil and
gas exploration
Principal Manufactures electronics, cast
iron and plastic pipe, fabricated steel products, ships,
paper products, chemicals, steel, mobile homes, fabrics,
poultry processing, soft drinks, furniture, tires
Agricultural Products cotton, greenhouse
and nursery, peanuts, pecans, sweet potatoes, potatoes
and other vegetables; cattle, hogs/pigs, broilers, hens
and pullets
First Explored By Hernando
de Soto, in 1540
First Settlements established by Tristán de
Luna, in 1559
First Permanent Settlement Fort Louis,
on the Mobile River, by French Canadians, in 1702
Territorial Status Achieved 1817
Admitted to Union (Rank) December 14, 1819
50states.com www.50states.com/alabama.htm
de Soto
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