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SKC Films Library >> American History >> United States: Local History and Description >> Pacific States >> Alaska
Alaska Facts and Figures

The name Alaska is based on the Aleut word "alaxsxaq," which literally translates to "object toward which the ocean of the sea is directed," or, more simply, "the mainland."

Location extreme northwest "corner" of North America

Total Area (rank) 656,425 sq mi (1st)
Greatest Distance E-W
2,200 mi
Greatest Distance N-S
1,200 mi
Geographic Center
60 miles northwest of Mount McKinley
Highest Point
Mount McKinley; 20,320 ft
Lowest Point
Pacific coast; sea level
Mineral Resources
petroleum, natural gas, zinc, gold, silver, tin, lead, sand and gravel

2014 Population (rank) 735,132 (47th)
Largest Cities
Anchorage (291,826),
Fairbanks (31,535), Juneau (31,275), College (12,964), Sitka (8,881), Ketchikan (8,050), Wasilla (7,831), Kenai (7,100), Kodiak (6,130), Bethel (6,080)

Capital Juneau
U.S. Congressional Representation
2 Senators, 1 Representative
Local Administration
25 counties

Principal Industries petroleum, tourism, fishing, mining, forestry, transportation, aerospace
Principal Manufactures
fish products, lumber and pulp, furs
Agricultural Products
nursery stock, vegetables; seafood, dairy products, livestock

First Explored By Vitus Bering, in 1741
First Permanent Settlement
on Kodiak Island, by Russian fur traders, in 1784
Territorial Status Achieved
Admitted to Union (rank)
January 3, 1959 (49th)


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SKC Films Library >> American History >> United States: Local History and Description >> Pacific States >> Alaska

This page was last updated on January 24, 2017.