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SKC Films Library >> American History >> United States: Local History and Description >> Old Southwest >> Arkansas
Facts and Figures

The word Arkansas came by way of early French explorers. The explorers met a group of Native Americans known as the Ugakhpah, which means "people who live downstream." Ugakhpah got "translated" to Quapaw, which then became Arkansaw, and this name came to be used for the land where they lived.

Bordered By
Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma

Total Area (Rank) 53,182 sq mi (29th)
Land Area 52,075 sq mi
Greatest Distance E-W
275 mi
Greatest Distance N-S
240 mi
Geographic Center
Pulaski, 12 miles northwest of Little Rock
Highest Point (Rank)
Magazine Mountain; 2,753 ft
Lowest Point
Ouachita River; 55 ft
Mineral Resources
crushed stone, bromine, cement, sand and gravel

2013 Population (Rank) 2,959,373 (32nd)
50.3 persons per sq mi
Largest Cities
Little Rock, Fort Smith, North Little Rock, Fayetteville, Jonesboro, Pine Bluff, Springdale, Conway, Rogers, Hot Springs

Capital Little Rock
State Constitution Adopted 1874
U.S. Congressional Representation
2 Senators; 4 Representatives
Local Administration
75 counties

Major Industries manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, forestry
Principal Manufactures food products, chemicals, lumber, paper, plastics, electric motors, furniture, auto components, airplane parts, apparel, machinery, steel
Agricultural Products soybeans, sorghum, cotton, rice; poultry and eggs, cattle, hogs; milks

First Explored By Hernando de Soto, 1541
First Permanent Settlement Arkansas Post, by Henri de Tonti, in 1686
Territorial Status Achieved
Admitted to Union (Rank)
June 15, 1836 (25th)


Hernando de Soto

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SKC Films Library >> American History >> United States: Local History and Description >> Old Southwest >> Arkansas

This page was last updated on August 01, 2017.