Awards and Honors
in 1967
Links will open in a new window.
Academy of American Poets
Lamont Award James Scully, assistant
professor of English, University of Connecticut, for his
first book of poems, The Marches (1967)
Acoustical Society of
Gold Medal Vern O. Knudsen,
chancellor emeritus of the University of California, Los
Angeles, "for research into the propagation of
acoustical waves through air and the sea"
Albert and Mary Lasker
Medical Journalism Award: Magazine
Lawrence Lessing for his series "The Biology
Revolution" in Fortune; Albert Rosenfeld, Life
medical and science editor, "for the consistent
excellence of the magazine's medical articles in recent
Medical Journalism Award: Newspaper
Barbara Yuncker for her series "The Pill" in The
New York Post
Medical Journalism Award: Television
American Broadcasting Company for its program "The
Long Childhood of Timmy," about mental retardation;
Station WXYZ-TV, Detroit, Michigan, for "Red Measles
Sunday," a program promoting a mass inoculation
Medical Research Award: Basic Research
Bernard B. Brodie, director of the National Heart
Institute Chemical Pharmacology Laboratory, "for 30
years of research into what happens to drugs taken into
the body"
Medical Research Award: Clinical Research
Robert A. Phillips, director of the Pakistan-Southeast
Asia Treaty Organization Cholera Research Laboratory in
Dacca, East Pakistan, who developed a technique of
intravenously feeding sodium bicarbonate and saline
solutions to cholera patients to replace the body fluids
Public Service Health Award Democratic
U.S. Representative Claude Pepper of Florida for his
interest in medical legislation in Congress
American Academy of Arts and
Letters & National Institute of Arts and Letters
Award of Merit painting -- John Heliker,
assistant professor of painting, Columbia University
Awards in Art Bryon Burford, Jared
French, Stephen Greene, Leo Kenney, Dennis Leon, Hugh
Townley, and Louis Tytell
Awards in Literature poet Philip Booth,
novelist and short-story writer Hortense Calisher, poet
and essayist Daniel Hoffman, critic Stanley Edgar Hyman,
critic and historian Bernard M.W. Knox, novelist Walker
Percy, and novelist David Wagoner
Awards in Music composers George H.
Crumb, Donald Martino, Julian Orbon, and Charles Wuorinen
Gold Medals Katherine Anne
Porter (fiction) and Arthur M. Schlesinger (history and
Marjorie Peabody Waite Award
Stringfellow Barr, historian, critic, and essayist
Rosenthal Foundation Awards painter
Robert D'Arista and novelist Thomas Pynchon
Traveling Fellowship in Literature A.R.
Ammons, poet
American Academy of Arts and
Emerson-Thoreau Award
Joseph Wood Krutch, literary and dramatic critic, and
American Chemical Society
Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic
Chemistry Columbia University professor Gilbert
J. Stork, known for his achievements in the synthesis of
terpenes and techniques for preparing organic compounds
Priestley Medal Ralph A.
Connor, educator and manufacturing executive, for his
achievements as a teacher, research chemist, and
American Library
Beta Phi Mu Award and the Isadore
Gilbert Mudge Citation Louis Shores, retired
dean of the library school at Florida State University
E.P. Dutton-John Macrae Award Clayton E.
Rhodes, school liason librarian, Enoch Pratt Free
Library, Baltimore, Maryland
Grolier Award Lura E. Crawford,
librarian and director of library services, Oak Park and
River Forest High School, Oak Park, Illinois, for
achievement in guiding and stimulating the reading of
children and young people
Halsey W. Wilson Library Recruitment Award
the Pioneer Library System of Rochester, New York, for
its summer internship program to interest college
students in library careers
The J. Morris Jones-World Book Encyclopedia-ALA
Goals Award the Association of College and
Research Libraries, a division of ALA, for establishing a
junior college library information center, and to the
American Library Trustee Association, another ALA
division, for an extensive program to strenghten,
revitalize, and organize state associations
Lippincott Award Edmon Low, librarian,
Oklahoma State University
Melcher Scholarship Florence L. Wilson
of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada
Melvil Dewey Medal Walter H. Kaiser,
librarian, Wayne County Library, Wayne, Michigan
American Physical Society
High Polymer Physics Prize Julian H.
Gibbs, chairman of the Chemistry Department at Brown
University, and E.A. Di Marzio for their theory of the
glass transition and their contribution to the theory of
the helix-coil transition in biological macro-molecules
Irving Langmuir Prize University of
Florida professor John Clarke Slater for his analysis of
the mechanics which bond in molcules and solids
Oliver E. Buckley Solid State
Physics Prize Professor Harry G. Drickamer of
the University of Illinois for work on the effects of
extreme pressures on the electronic and molecular
structures of solids
American Psychological
Distinguished Science Writers Award
Gay Gaer Luce and Julius Siegal for their book Sleep
American Society of Civil
Outstanding Civil Engineering
Achievement Award the St. Louis Gateway Arch
American Society of Plant
Kettering Award University
of Illinois professor Eugene I. Rabinowitch for his
scientific contributions on photosynthesis
Aspen Institute of
Humanistic Studies Award
Gilberto Freyre, Brazilian anthropologist,
sociologist, and author of The Mansions and the
Shanties: The Making of Modern Brazil and other
Australian Society of
Sir Thomas White Memorial Prize
Hugh Edwards for Islands of Angry Ghosts
B'nai B'rith
Jewish Heritage Award
Maurice Samuel, author and lecturer, for "positive
contributions to contemporary literature by his authentic
interpretation of Jewish life and values"
Brandeis University
Creative Arts Awards
architects Kevin Roche and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe;
composers Ross Lee Finney and Claudio Spies; poets Conrad
Aiken and May Swenson; choreographer and director Jerome
Robbins; theatrical producer Ellen Stewart; literary
critic Kenneth Burke
British Royal Astronomical
Eddington Medal Robert F. Christy,
professor of physics, California Institute of Technology,
for work on the nonlinear theory of pulsating stars
Gold Medals Professor Hannes Alfvén of
the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology for fundamental
research on cosmical electrodynamics; Allan Rex Sandage
of the Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories for the
history of the galaxy, optical data basic to modern
cosmology, and fundamental work on stellar evolution
Columbia University
Frederic Bancroft Prizes
William W. Freehling for Prelude to Civil War: The
Nullification Controversy in South Carolina, 1816-1836;
Charles Sellers for James K. Polk, Continentalist:
1843-1846; and James Sterling Young for The
Washington Community, 1800-1828
Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize Luis F.
Leloir, biochemistry professor, Buenos Aires University,
for his discovery of the nucleoside diphosphate sugars
and the importance of these compounds in the biochemical
production of carbohydrates
Dag Hammarskjöld Awards
Artistic Prize Leonard
Bernstein, music director, New York Philharmonic
Cultural Prize Clare Boothe Luce, former U.S. Ambassador to Italy
Literary Prize William Manchester,
author of The Death of a President
Dickinson College
Joseph Priestley Memorial Award
George W. Beadle, chancellor of the University of Chicago
and Nobel Prize for Medicine laureate, for his
"contributions to mankind through research in
Franklin Institute
Franklin Medal Britton
Chance, chairman of the Biophysics and Physical
Biochemistry Department, University of Pennsylvania
Medical School, whose achievements include the
development of extremely sensitive electronic and optical
techniques for observing biochemical reactions in living
Freedom House
Freedom Award Roy Wilkins,
executive director of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People, for outstanding
contributions to the cause of human liberty
Freedoms Foundation
Defender of Freedom Award Spec. 5 Carol
A. Howland, U.S. Army WAC from Pasadena, California, for
her letter entitled "Defending Freedom Safeguards
Freedom Leadership Medal Milton Caniff,
for "his continued creative editorials and cartoons
which brilliantly espouse the precepts of human
George Washington Award
Pfc. Hiram D. Stricklandof Graham, North Carolina, killed
in Vietnam on February 1, 1966, who in his last letter
home wrote "...Don't mourn me, Mother, for I'm happy
I died fighting my country's enemies..."
National Service Medal Bob Hope, for his many years of entertaining American
Harmon International
Aviation Trophies
Alvin S. White, for test flight work with
the XB-70; U.S. Navy Captain James A. Lovell, Jr., and
U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., for their Gemini XII mission in November 1966;
Sheila Scott, for her round-the-world speed records in a
single-engine plane
Italian National Academy of
the Lynxes
Antonio Feltrinelli Prize for
Fiction John R. Dos Passos, journalist and
National Academy of Sciences
Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal
Allison R. Palmer, professor, State University of New
York, for work in Cambrian geology and paleontology
Daniel Giraud Eliot Medal Ernst Mayr,
director, Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard
University, for his treatise "Animal Species and
Gibbs Brothers Medal A.A.H. Keil, head
of the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine
Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for
work in the physics of underwater explosions and their
effect on ship structures
Kimber Genetics Medal Barbara McClintock
of the Carnegie Institution Genetics Research Unit, Cold
Spring Harbor, New York, for studies on chromosome
structure and function
National Aeronautic
Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy Igor I. Sikorsky
National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
Spingarn Medal Edward W.
Brooke, Massachusetts Republican and the first black
elected to the U.S. Senate since Reconstruction
National Book Association
Arts and Letters Award
Justin Kaplan, for Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain
Fiction Award Bernard Malamud, for The
History and Biography Award Peter Gay,
for The Enlightenment: An Interpretation: The Rise of
Modern Paganism
National Medal for Literature Wystan
Hugh Auden, British poet
Poetry Award James Merrill, for Nights
and Days
Science, Philosophy, and Religion Award
Oscar Lewis, for La Vida
Translation of a Classic Award Willard
Trask, for his translation from the Italian of History
of My Life by Giacomo Casanova
Translation of a Contemporary Work Award
Gregory Rabassa, for his translation from the Spanish of Hopscotch
by Julio Cortázar
National Endowment for the Arts Awards
poets Louise Bogan, Malcolm Cowley, Kenneth
Patchen, John Crowe Ransom, and Yvor Winters
National Medal of Science
Jacob A.B. Bjerknes, professor of
meteorology, University of California, Los Angeles;
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, professor of astrophysics,
University of Chicago; Henry Eyring, retired dean,
University of Utah Graduate School; Edward F. Knipling,
director, Entomology Research Division of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture; Fritz Albert Lipmann, Nobel
Medicine laureate and professor of biochemistry,
Rockefeller University; John Willard Milnor, professor of
mathematics, Princeton University; William C. Rose,
professor emeritus of biochemistry research, University
of Illinois; Claude E. Shannon, Donner professor of
science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; John H.
Van Vleck, Hollis professor of mathematics and natural
philosophy, Harvard University; Sewall Wright, professor
emeritus of genetics, University of Wisconsin; Vladimir
K. Zworykin, honorary vice-president, Radio Corporation
of America
[for specific information about each recipient's
qualifications for the medal see]
Nobel Prizes
Pacific Science Center
Arches of Science Award
James B. Conant, former professor of organic chemistry
and president of Harvard University
Poetry Society of America
Alice Fay di Castagnola Award Gustav
Davidson, for The Poets and Their Angels
(unpublished at time of award)
Gold Medal for Distinguished Service
Marianne Moore
Melville Cane Award Lawrence R.
Thompson, for Robert Frost: The Early Years,
Shelley Award Anne Sexton
Royal Canadian Geographical Society
Massey Medal John R.
Mackay, professor of geography, University of British
Columbia, internationally known for his work in physical
Royal Society of British Architects
Gold Medal Nikolaus
Pevsner, professor of art history, Birkbeck College,
University of London, and editor/author of almost all Buildings
of England books
Saturday Review
Ainsfield Wolf Award
Oscar Lewis, author of La Vida, on slum life in
New York and Puerto Rico; David Brion Davis for The
Problem of Slavery in Western Culture
![Science Talent Search finalists](../../../../general/reference/intheyear/1967/graphics/science-sm2.gif)
![Nevin Morris Summers, Jr.](../../../../general/reference/intheyear/1967/graphics/summers-sm2.gif) |
Talent Search
$7,500 Scholarship Nevins
Morris Summers, Jr., a 17-year-old from
Jacksonville, Florida, for his study of the
biochemicalprocesses involved in the hardening of
the shells of fiddler crabs
$6,000 Scholarship Steven R.
Binder, 17, of Glenview, Illinois
$5,000 Scholarship Daniel P.
Weisser, 17, of Washington, D.C.
$4,000 Scholarship Frank A.
Wilczek, 15, of Glen Oaks, New York
$3,000 Scholarship Mark R.
Cullen, 16, of Wyncote, Pennsylvanialeft,
top: Some of the 40 finalists in the Science
Talent Search, with Vice-President Hubert Humphrey at
the awards banquet.
left, bottom: Nevin Morris Summers, Jr., top
winner of the Talent Search.
right, top: Steven R. Binder won a scholarship
for his project "Bidentate Sulfate
Complexes," which proved the nature of the
chemical bonding between cobalt and sulfide ions.
right, bottom: Daniel P. Weisser's work on the
"L" series, a series of numbers in
which relationships between them repeat
themselves, earned him a third-place scholarship.
![Steven R. Binder](../../../../general/reference/intheyear/1967/graphics/binder-sm2.gif)
![Daniel P. Weisser](../../../../general/reference/intheyear/1967/graphics/weisser-sm2.gif) |
Society of Architectural
Alice Davis Hitchcock Award
Jayne Wrightsman (pen name Richard Krautheimer), author
of Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
United Nations
Fridtjof Nansen Medal
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who, as director of a
campaign, raised $18 million in 1966 for refugees in
Africa and Asia
Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Kalinga Prize Paul Couderc,
French astronomer and author of several popular astronomy
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
Ernest O. Lawrence Memorial Award
Mortimer M. Elkind, National Institutes of Health,
"for his discovery that mammalian cells are capable
of recovering in large measure from the damaging effects
of radiation"; John Melvin Googin, Y-12 Plant, Oak
Ridge, Tennessee, "for his many contributions to the
development of production processes involving the
separation of materials important to the nuclear energy
program"; Allan F. Henry, Bettis Atomic Power
Laboratory in Pennsylvania, "for developing the
first comprehensive theoretical description of the
reactor kinetics of a pressurized water nuclear
plant"; Robert Thorn of the Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratoryin New Mexico for work on the essential
calculations for weapon designs; John O. Rasmussen,
senior staff member of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory,
Berkeley, California, an authority in nuclear chemistry
and physics, including the miscroscopic model of nuclear
U.S. Atoms for Peace Award
Bertrand L. Goldschmidt, director of the
French Atomic Energy Commission and his country's
permanent representative on the International Atomic
Energy Agency Counsel of Governors; W. Bennett Lewis,
senior vice-president, Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., and
Canadian representative, United Nationas Scientific
Advisory Committee; Isidor I. Rabi, professor, Columbia
University and Nobel Prize for Physics laureate, credited
as the originator of the first international nuclear
research laboratory
Vernon Stouffer Foundation
Medical Award Peter Holtz,
West German pharmacologist; Ulf S. von Euler, Swedish
physiologist; John W. Cornforth and George J. Popjak,
both of London, England, codirectors of Shell Research
Milstead Laboratory of Chemical Enzymology
West German Publishers and Booksellers
International Peace Prize
Ernst Bloch, German philosopher and author of Das
Prinzip Hoffmung (Hope as a Principle), a critical
study of social utopias
Yale University
Bollingen Poetry Prize
Robert Penn Warren
Yale Series of Younger Poets Award Helen
Chasin for Coming Close, to be published in
early 1968
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