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On April 25th... links will open in a new window ANZAC Day 1284 King Edward II of England was born. 1507 Geographer Martin Waldseemuller first used the name "America" to refer to lands in the Western Hemisphere. 1533 William I, Prince of Orange, was born. 1599 English General Oliver Cromwell was born. 1660 The English Convention Parliament voted to restore Charles II. 1719 Daniel Defoe published Robinson Crusoe. 1742 Elizabeth of Russia crowned herself Empress in the Dormition Cathedral in Moscow. 1744 Astronomer Anders Celsius died. 1792 The guillotine was first used in France, to execute highwayman Nicolas J. Pelletier. 1850 Paul Julius Reuter set up a carrier pigeon service to carry stock market prices between Aachen and Brussels, Belgium. 1854 Charles Sumner Tainter, co-inventor of the Graphophone, was born. 1859 Construction of the Suez Canal officially began. 1874 Inventor Guglielmo Marconi was born. 1898 The U.S. Congress declared that a state of war had existed with Spain since April 21st. 1901 New York
became the first state to require auto license plates. 1906 John Knowles Paine, the first professor of music in the United States, died. 1908 Broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow was born. 1917 Singer Ella Fitzgerald was born. 1925 Paul von Hindenburg was elected President of Germany. 1926 Persian Cossack officer Reza Chan crowned himself Shah Palawi. 1927 Aviator Floyd Bennett died. 1928 A German Shepherd named Buddy became the first certified guide dog for a U. S. citizen, Morris Frank. 1930 The film All Quiet on the Western Front premiered in New York, New York. 1944 The United Negro College Fund was incorporated. 1945 U. S. and Russian
forces met at Torgau, Germany. 1946 The Exposition Flyer was rammed at Napierville, Illinois, killing 48 persons. 1947 Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park was established. 1950 The Republic of the South
Moluccas was declared on the island of Ambon. 1952 The German state of
Bathe-Wurttemberg was formed. 1953 Nature magazine published Fracis Crick and James Watson's discovery of the double helix structure of DNA. 1954 Bell Laboratories announced the first solarbattery made from silicon. 1958 Swedish Prime Minister Tage Erlander's Socialist Cabinet was overthrown by the lower house of Parliament. 1959
The St. Lawrence Seaway was opened to
commercial traffic. 1960 The U.S.S. Triton surfaced at St. Paul's Rocks in the Atlantic Ocean after having completed the first ever underwater circumnavigation of the globe. 1961 Robert Noyce patented the integrated circuit. 1967 Swaziland achieved internal self-government. 1974 Portuguese dictator Antonio Salazar was overthrown in a military coup. 1982 Israel completed its withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula. 1983 Soviet leader Yuri Andropov invited U. S. elementary school student Samantha Smith to visit his country. 1983 Pioneer 10 crossed Pluto's orbit. 1984 David Anthony Kennedy, son of Robert F. Kennedy, was found dead of a drug overdose in a hotel room. 1993 Russian voters expressed confidence in President Boris Yeltsin. 1995 Game show host
Art Fleming died. 2007 Singer Boris Pickett died. 2009 Actress Bea Arthur died. |
SKC Films Library
>> On This Day This page was last updated on April 24, 2018. |