in 1960 Almost all of the
news in 1960 was "inspired" by the
signing of a revised United States-Japan security
Population in 1960
Chief of State Emperor
Head of Government Prime Minister
Nobusuke Kishi (to July 18); Hayato Ikeda
On January
19, 1960, Foreign Minister Aiichiro Fujiyama and
U.S. Ambassador Douglas MacArthur II signed in
Washington, D.C., a new security treaty in which
the two nations agreed to abide by provisions of
the United Nations charter and to cooperate in
defense, political, economic, and other areas.
For the first time the United States expressly
agreed to defend Japan, which was in turn
expected to act in territories under its
administration and only to the limit of its
"no-war" constitution. In addition,
Japan agreed to allow the United States to
maintain bases in Japan in order to
"guarantee international peace and security
in the Far East." In a communique issued by
Japanese Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, who
witnessed the treaty's signing, and U.S.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the latter assured Japan that the
United States had no intention of acting contrary
to the wishes of the Japanese government with
respect to matters requiring "prior
consultation," including changes in
deployment of Japan-based U.S. forces, major
changes in equipment (especially nuclear arms),
and the use of bases other than for the
protection of Japan. The term of the treaty was
set at ten years.
Above Left: Prime Minister
Kishi displaying the security treaty after it had
been signed in Washington, D.C.
The new
treaty was introduced into the Japanese House of
Representatives on February 9 and the clauses
"peace and security" and "the far
east" became immediate subjects of debate.
The long term of the treaty was also opposed. The
treaty was also opposed by many in the general
population. On April 27, about 6,000 university
students broke police lines and surged around the
Diet. Despite the protests, the treaty was
approved by the House of Representatives on May
20, after 300 policemen removed opposition
deputies. The treaty's approval fueled further
demonstrations, including a May 25
"parade" in Tokyo by tens of thousands
of students, unionists, and others.
Left: Police battling
students on June 3.
Right: A student demonstrator injured on June 3
as left-wing parties rioted in front of the Diet
and the residence of Prime Minister Nobusuke
On April
12, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced
that President Eisenhower would be visiting Japan
on June 19. On June 10, demonstrating students
gave James Hagerty, the President's Press
Secretary, Thomas E. Stephens, his appointments
secretary, and Ambassador MacArthur a preview of
the hostile reception the President could receive
when a crowd of 10,000 surrounded their official
car and they had to be rescued by a U.S. Marines
helicopter. On June 16, in an emergency meeting,
the Cabinet requested a postponement of the
President's visit.
Far Left: Demonstrators in
front of the U.S. embassy in Tokyo during
Hagerty's visit to make final preparations for
President Eisenhower's arrival.
Left: Hagerty photographing demonstrators
attacking his car at Tokyo Airport.
Right: A U.S. Marine Corps helicopter landing at
Tokyo Airport to rescue Hagerty, Stephens, and
the bitter opposition, Foreign Minister Fujiyama
declared the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty in effect
as of June 23, the day ratifications were
exchanged in Tokyo. On October 12, an 18-year-old
right-wing fanatic assassinated Inejiro Asanuma,
chairman of the Socialist Party, as he spoke at a
political rally in Tokyo. Asanuma's party had
been in the forefront of the fight against the
treat's ratification, and his assassination
proved to be the climax of the unrest the treaty
had stirred.
Left: An 18-year-old
right-wing fanatic attacking Asanuma at a
political rally in Japan.
Other News
On February 23 Crown Princess
Michiko gave birth to a son. Prince Naruhito
became second in line to the imperial throne
after his father, Crown Prince Akihito.
After ratification of the
security treaty in June, Prime Minister Kishi
announced his resignation. He narrowly escaped
assassination on July 14, and formally stepped
down the next day. He was succeeded as leader of
the Liberal-Democratic Party by Hayato Ikeda, who
was elected Prime Minister by the Diet on July
18. General elections were held on November 20,
the results of which left the Liberal-Democrats
with a majority in the Diet and Ikeda as Prime
the Year 1960
Dwight D. Eisenhower
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