Important Dates in Hawaii
1778 Captain James
Cook of the British Navy reached Hawaii.
1795 King Kamehameha I unified Hawaii.
1820 Protestant missionaries from New
England converted the islanders to Christianity.
1827 Roman Catholic missionaries
arrived, but the Hawaiians forced them to leave in 1831.
1835 Ladd & Company started the
first permanent sugar plantation in Hawaii on Kauai
1840 The Kingdom of Hawaii adopted its
first constitution.
c. 1885 The pineapple industry began in
Hawaii with the importation of sweet pineapple plants
from Jamaica.
1887 King Kalakaua gave the United
States exclusive rights to use Pearl Harbor as a naval
1893 A revolution led by nine Americans
and four Europeans removed Queen Lilliuokalani from the
1894 The islanders established the
Republic of Hawaii.
1898 The United States annexed Hawaii.
1900 The United States established
the Territory of Hawaii.
1903 The legislature first petitioned
Congress for statehood.
1927 A.F. Hegenberger and L.J. Maitland
made the first airplane flight from the U.S. mainland to
1934 President
Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first U.S. President
to visit Hawaii.
1941 The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor
on December 7, plunging the United States into World War II.
1950 The territorial legislature
approved a state constitution.
1957 The first telephone cable from the
U.S. mainland to Hawaii began operation.
August 21, 1959 Hawaii became the 50th state of the Union.
Hawaiians voted for a President for the first time.
Congress established the East-West Center at the
University of Hawaii.
1962 The jet-aircraft terminal at
Honolulu International Airport was completed.
1965-1969 A new state capital was built
in Honolulu.
1968 A new state constitution was
See Also
World War
Franklin D. Roosevelt
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