Palace the official
London residence and office of the reigning
British monarch
In the Middle Ages, the site on which
Buckingham Palace stands was part of the Manor of
Ebury, which also incorporated a small village
called Eye Cross. Originally owned by Edward the Confessor,
the property passed through several hands before
being acquired by William the Conqueror, who in
turn bequeathed it to the monks of Westminster
King Henry VIII
took the manor away from Westminster Abbey in
1536, and the property was subsequently leased to
a series of owners by royal landlords. Needing
money, King James I
sold off most of the property, but kept enough to
establish a 4-acre mulberry garden for the
production of silk. He chose the wrong type of
mulberry trees, however, and his plan for making
England a major silk producer never came to
The first house to be built on the site was
finished in 1624, under the orders of Sir William
Blake, and was expanded by Lord Goring, beginning
in 1633. Neither Blake nor Goring could provide
proof they had royal permission to build on the
site, however, and the house and grounds
subsequently came under the control of Henry
Bennett, 1st Earl of Arlington. After the house
burned down in 1674, the Earl built Arlington
House, which is now the south wing of today's
In 1703, the Duke of Buckingham and Normandy
decided to build a substantial house on the land,
and this is still the central part of
todays Buckingham Palace. In 1761,
Buckingham House was sold to King George III,
who acquired it primarily as a retreat for his
wife, Queen Charlotte. Although 14 of his 15
children were born in what he called the Queen's
House, the king maintained his official residence
at St. James Palace. The first monarch to make
the palace the official royal residence was Queen Victoria,
who was also responsible for formally naming it
Buckingham Palace and turning it into the
structure seen today.
Statistics and Facts
Buckingham Palace is
approximately 354 feet long across the front, 393
feet deep, and 78 feet high. Total floor space is
just over 828,821 square feet. It has a total of
775 rooms, including 19 State rooms, 52 Royal and
guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices,
and 78 bathrooms. There are also 1,514
doors and 760 windows.
The Palace Garden covers 40
acres and includes a helicopter pad, a lake, and
a tennis court. It is home to 30 different bird
species and more than 350 varieties of wild
flowers, some of which are extremely rare.
Suffering from peritonitis and close to death,
King Edward VII
was operated on in a room overlooking the garden
a few months after ascending to the throne in
1901. The surgery proved a success, and he was
crowned at Westminster Abbey in August that year.
Edward VII is the only monarch to date to be
born and die at Buckingham Palace.
During World
War II, Buckingham Palace suffered nine
direct bomb hits. On several occasions King George VI and
Queen Elizabeth were in the Palace and narrowly
escaped being killed. One person did die during
the wartime bombing -- PC Steve Robertson, a
policeman on duty at the Palace, was killed by
flying debris on March 8, 1941, when the north
side of the Palace was wrecked. A plaque inside
the garden commemorates his heroism.
A flag always flies above Buckingham Palace.
When The Queen is in residence, the Royal
Standard flies. When the Sovereign is not
present, the Union Flag flies instead.

The Official Website of the British
Monarchy http://www.royal.gov.uk/theroyalresidences/buckinghampalace/buckinghampalace.aspx

Edward the
King Henry VIII
King James I
King George III
Queen Victoria
King Edward VII
War II
King George VI
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