SKC Films Library

SKC Films Library >> Medicine



Highlights in Medical History

"Anatomy Doll"

Frederick Banting
co-developer of the method for mass-producing insulin

Emil Adolf von Behring
developer of antitoxins against diphtheria and tetanus

Elizabeth Blackwell
the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States

Paul Ehrlich
pioneer in the field of chemotherapy

Claudius Galen
proponent of the importance of anatomical study and of treating every patient as an individual

"the father of modern medicine"

John Hunter
pioneer of tissue grafting

Edward Jenner
Edward Jenner
developer of vaccination

Joseph Lister
pioneer of antiseptic surgery

Egas Moniz
"father of psychosurgery"

proponent of the treatment of the whole person

Ambroise Paré
pioneer surgeon

Walter Reed
discoverer of a method for controlling the spread of many diseases

Albert Bruce Sabin
developer of the "live-virus" polio vaccine

Florence Rena Sabin
pioneer medical researcher

Béla Schick
developer of a method for testing immunity to diphtheria

SKC Films Library >> Medicine