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John Ericsson
invented the caloric (heat) engine, as well as a steam condensor that allowed a steamer to produce fresh water while at sea. He is best remembered, however, as being the designer and builder of the USS Monitor, a unique ironclad ship that incorporated many elements still used in warship designs today.

John Fitch
built and demonstrated the first steamship in America, in 1787. He went on to build three more steamships, but none of them were financially successful. Although his name is now largely forgotten, he laid the groundwork for future innovators, including Robert Fulton.

Robert Fulton
Robert Fulton
worked on developing a practical submarine before turning his attention to building the first commercially viable steamboat. The result of this latter work was the Clermont, which was successfully tested on August 17, 1807.

John Philip Holland
John Philip Holland
launched his first successful submarine in 1881. The company he founded ultimately became the Electric Boat Company, which has subsequently built the vast majority of the U.S. Navy's submarines, as well as submarines for many other nations.

SKC Films Library >> Naval Science >> Naval Architecture