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World Council of Churches

Founded in 1948, the World Council of Churches is a fellowship of 345 Protestant and Orthodox Christian churches in 110 countries.

WCC logo

Meeting in Denmark in August 1958, the WCC continued efforts to incorporate the Russian Orthodox Church into membership.

Bishop Otto Dibelius of Berlin-Brandenburg, World Council of Churches president, preaches in the Cathedral of Odense, Denmark, at WCC's 10th anniversary service on August 24, 1958.
1958 WCC Meeting

The Central Committee of the World Council of Churches -- Chairman Franklin C. Fry, United States; Dr. D.T. Niles, Ceylon; Metropolitan Parthenios, Egypt; and Rev. Peter Dagadu, Ghana -- met in Greece in 1959.

The Third General Assembly of the World Council of Churches met in New Delhi, India, in late 1961. It was attended by 625 official ambassadors from 48 countries and 176 member churches. One of the most important actions taken by the Assembly was the admission of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Presidents of the World Council of Churches in 1961 included, left to right: Sir Francis Ibiam of Nigeria; Dr. Martin Niemoeller of West Germany; Archbishop Iakovos of North and South America; Arthur Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury; David Moses of India; Charles Parlin of the United States.

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SKC Films Library >> Religion and Mythology >> Christian Denominations >> Interdenominational Cooperation

This page was last updated on April 13, 2017.