Clownfish Amphiprion
percula (aka Anemonefish)
There are 28 known species of
clownfish, but the most commonly known variety is
bright orange with three distinctive white bars;
most other species are also brightly colored and
marked, but the specific colors and markings
vary. The type species grows to a length of about
4 inches, while other species range in length
from barely 3 to a little over 7 inches.
Distribution and
All species of clownfish live
on the tropical coral reefs of the Indian Ocean,
Red Sea, and western Pacific; there are no
clownfish native to the eastern Pacific or
Atlantic oceans. The alternate name
"anemonefish" refers to the fact that
clownfish make their homes among the tentacles of
sea anemones. All species of anemones possess
deadly poisonous stingers, but clownfish have a
layer of mucus on their skin that protect them
from the stings, and they are the only fish able
to live among anemones. The anemone therefore
provides protection for the clownfish, by making
it all but impossible for predators to get at the
clownfish without getting stung by the anemone in
the process. But the relationship between
clownfish and anemone is not one-sided, as the
clownfish's movements help keep water circulating
around the anemone and deters potential anemone
predators. In addition, clownfish keep their host
anemone clean by gobbling up tidbits of
undigested food left over from an anemone meal
and by clearing the anemone of dead tentacles.
Clownfish feed on algae,
plankton, mollusks and small crustaceans, as well
as the leftovers from anemone meals and dead
anemone tentacles.
Life Habits
Clownfish live in strict
hierarchial groups consisting of one breeding
pair and a few non-breeding males. All clownfish
are born male, but when the breeding female in a
group is lost the highest ranking male in the
group will develop female reproductive organs and
take her place; once the dominant male has
assumed the female role he/she can never go back
to being a male. The new female will then choose
a new dominant male from the rest of the group to
mate with, and all other members of the group
will move up in rank accordingly.
Spawning may occur any time of
the year, but is concentrated around the full
moons. The female will lay hundreds or thousands
of eggs (depending on species) on a flat surface
near her host anemone, after which the male
fertilizes them. The eggs will be guarded by both
parents until they hatch 6-10 days later, and the
male will often guard the fry for a few days
after hatching.
Clownfish can live 6-10 years
in the wild.
phylum Chordata
subphylum Vertebrata
superclass Osteichthyes
class Actinopterygii
order Perciformes
family Pomacentridae
genus & species Amphirion percula (and
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