Crabeater SealLobodon
The crabeater seal has a slender, streamlined
body, a distinct neck, a slim face, and a
relatively pointed snout. Females are slightly
longer on average than males with a length of 7-8
feet, compared to 6-8 feet for males. Weight
ranges from 440 to 660 pounds.
After the summer moult, the crabeater seal is
dark brown dorsally and grades to blonde
ventrally. It has darker brown markings on the
back and sides over the paler brown pelage. The
flippers are the darkest parts of the body. Its
fur slowly changes to blonde throughout the year,
and it is almost entirely blonde by the summer.
It often has long scars running along the sides
of its body. These are most likely inflicted by
its major predator, the leopard seal.
The crabeater seal is probably the fastest
pinniped on land, reaching speeds of up to 15
mph. When sprinting, its foreflippers move
alternately across the snow and its hind flippers
are lifted off the ground and held together.
Distribution and
With an estimated population of around 15
million individuals, the crabeater seal is by far
the most numerous pinniped. It is primarily found
on the coast and pack ice of Antarctica. In the
winter months, it may be found on the shores of
South America, Australia, South Africa, Tasmania,
New Zealand, and various islands surrounding
Habits and Behaviors
Crabeater seals may be found in large
aggregations of up to 1,000 animals, but are
usually solitary or in small groups.
Crabeater seals dive primarily at night and
are reported to average 143 daily dives in late
February. Once in the water, diving occurs nearly
continually for approximately 16 hours. Most
dives are for traveling and are less than a
minute long and less than 33 feet deep. Foraging
dives are slightly deeper and appear to vary
throughout the day, with crepuscular dives being
deeper. Exploratory dives are the deepest and
presumably for navigation as they usually occur
just before a traveling or foraging dive.
Crabeater seals may use breathing holes
created by Weddell seals. Young Weddell seals may
even be chased from breathing holes by adult
crabeater seals.
Despite its common name, this seal's diet is
made up primarily of krill, supplemented with
cephalopods, fish, and crustaceans. It feeds by
swimming through a school of krill with its mouth
open, sucking them in and then sieving the water
out through its specialized dentition. Its
scientific name, Lobodon, is derived
from Greek words meaning "lobed teeth."
The teeth interlock to form a sieve through which
the krill are filtered, and a ridge of bone fills
the gap between the teeth and the back of the
jaw, stopping prey from escaping from the mouth
while feeding. Feeding probably occurs
prinicipally at night
Crabeater seals probably mate on the pack ice
surrounding Antarctica in the austral spring,
from October to December. Gestation lasts about
11 months and probably includes a period of
delayed implantation. The following September,
the pregnant female occupies a space on the ice
floe in which she gives birth and cares for her
single pup. A male joins the female in her chosen
area just before or just after parturition. He
defends the female and the newborn pup from both
predators and other males. That male is probably
not the father of the pup, hower. Since females
come into estrus just after weaning, the male's
only apparent interest is in waiting for the
female to be sexually receptive.
Pups are born weighing approximately 44 pounds
and gain weight while nursing at a rate of about
9 pounds a day. Physical contact between the
mother and pup during this period is necessary.
If either the pup or the mother strays, the other
immediately follows. Pups are weaned at about 3
weeks old.
Crabeater seals become sexually mature between
3 and 4 years of age, and females may have
successful pregnancies between 5 and 25 years
phylum Chordata
subphylum Vertebrata
suborder Pinnipedia
genus & species Lobodon carcinophaga

Animal Diversity Web
Seal Conservation Society
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